April 29, 2011 

Bendix Chin Turret - PDF

April 28, 2011  

B-25 Top Turret in Action

FIFI B-29  First Flight with new engines

Bruno Barn Move

I received a link concerning The Day Japan Bombed Oregon

I also received from Bruce Buchan a link from Peter Dunn's site Japanese Reconnaissance flight over Melbourne and Port Phillip Bay that had the same aircrew as the Oregon flight.

April 25, 2011 


Missing World War II Airman's Remains Back Home: Pfc. Mervyn E. Sims, an airman missing in action since World War II, was buried with full military honors last week in his hometown of Petaluma, Calif. His burial came after the Defense Department returned his remains to his family following DOD forensic scientists identifying them last November. Sims, 23, was part of a five-member crew of a C-87 Liberator Express that departed from Yangkai, China, on April 24, 1943, on a mission over the Himalayas to Chabua, India. The aircraft never arrived and a search effort found no evidence of the aircraft. In 2003, an American citizen in Burma reported to US defense officials that he had found aircraft wreckage in the mountains 112 miles east of Chabua. Human remains and artifacts that he recovered from the site led to Sims' identification. (Includes DOD release) (See also Sims entry on DOD's list of recently accounted for personnel

Those Old Westerns - Video

Pierce Library Special Collections

April 20, 2011


Go "full screen"
The photography is HD, the planes are gorgeous, and, most notably, it is shot as the B17 takes off from Falcon Field in Mesa, AZ and then flies over the Superstition Mountains. to the east of Apache Junction and then on to Roosevelt & Canyon lakes on the east edge of the Phoenix valley. The backdrops are stunning.  Music is from the mini seriers John Adams.  Great combo.



April 19, 2011 

Kingman Army Air Field Links:


A Trip Through Kingman Army Airfield

WWII Assorted Training Books & Pamphlets

Air Navigation Training Book


This video was sent me by Connie Luhta. It is always appreciated when Connie forwards something to me.

Jimmy Doolittle's Grand Daughter Speaks
Thought you would enjoy if you have not seen this.
She wrote a book about her grandfather called "Calculated Risk" which is a
good read. Note also she does this without notes and teleprompters
As you recall, Jimmy flew the raid over Tokyo off the aircraft carrier Hornet in April 18th, 1942...69 years, yesterday!!!

April 15, 2011  

Beautiful Babes of WWII - Power Point 

Damn Fairies - Word Document




April 10, 2011 

C-17 & C-47  Charleston, S. C.  

Scott Lindley was working a show in Charleston as he is on the crew of the Spirit of North Carolina. Sent these great shots of a C-17 & C-47 flying a duo formation. Please note the C-17 has its flaps down. Thanks Scott for the pics and the video of the A-26 doing Fire Tanker service. 

April 7, 2011 

The stamp on the left above came from the Marshall Islands and was submitted by Bill Beck. I was able to determine that it is a 1999 issue. Thanks Bill, it is indeed a very nice stamp.

Anyone with a knowledge of stamps and collectors & buyers, please contact Bill or myself.

Marshall Islands 1999


April 3, 2011

The Story of Bill Mauldin   - Document

Former Sergeant - Document



April 1, 2011

I received a message with photos from Jack Heyn regarding the window in his house, which has a large tree as a focal point. The previous photos were from the last winter and the new ones are from April 1, 2011. It's a nice contrast. I updated Jack’s web site Jack Heyn on the  The Window & The Tree page to reflect this new photos.There is also additional information from John Jewell below from a message to Jack describing the conditions in Queensland following Cyclone Yasi.


Last Thursday afternoon about 4pm we had a cloudburst & thunderstorm directly over our suburb and a few adjoining suburbs. We had 150 mmm (6 inches) in 90 minutes. We have been in this high blocked house since 1970 & it was the first time we had a slight amount of water come in under a part of our house where we park our cars.

The sheer volume of water running off simply backed it up across the lawn, You would well remember some of the torrential downpours we had ,in our different times, in New Guinea have experienced. This was definitely a NG downpour equal to anything up there. Townsville has broken its March record for rainfall since records were first kept in 1940. The ground is sodden, every drop of rain simply runs off. Your town Ingham  just up the road where you stayed for a few days in 1942 has had 4 floodings since the "Wet" season started. Our No1 Highway, the Bruce Highway, has flooded over so many times, cutting Nth Qld off from south that I've lost count..  Sandflies & mosquitos are a bit of a inconvience at present. Dengue fever is bowling over a few people 

Cyclone Yasi. Reconstruction of the small towns further north is painfully slow. It has not stopped raining up there since Yasi. Therefore progress is slow.  They have even sent Insurance Assessors over from Florida as well as other parts of Australia to try and speed things up.


I do remember that tree outside your window. It certainly is very tall and also must be of a great age.


March 31, 2011   

The Bus & The Zipper - Document


March 30, 2011  

Why Mechanics Like Dealing with Women - Turn On Your Sound

The Government Again - Document





March 27, 2011

MILITARY SECRETS - Power Point Presentation

Videos of the crash of the USAF Thunderbirds' Solo #6 during air show at Mountain Home , Idaho this past September.
The First video (wmv file) shows the maneuver on takeoff and then the crash, including audio of T-bird radio communications as the accident happens.
"Knock it off" is the radio code to immediately end the air show. Pilot of #6 was an F-15 instructor pilot at Tyndall AFB until last year when
he joined the Thunderbirds. He was banged up on ejection but is evidently OK.
The second video (mpg file) is a cockpit view of pilot (no audio) showing him doing the maneuver and then punching out just before impact - talk about
close - look how quick the screen goes static after he ejects. You can sense how fast the ground was coming up to meet him.

1.  TBIRD - video

2.  TBIRD EJECT - video


March 25, 2011

1. " Going Green "  Put in Perspective. Document
2.  Ever seen a train lay its own track?  VIDEO  http://www.wimp.com/traintrack/
3.  B-17 & B-25 Over Saguaro Lake, AZ    http://vimeo.com/18135369
4.  Robert Howard - Medal of Honor -  The Real Rambo
5.   The South - Document


March 24, 2011

1. B-25/F-10   Barksdale

2. 25th PRS Photo Album


March 23, 2011

487th BG   - Bill "ORB" Cowan served with the 487th BG during WWII.

Showdown in Elktown  - Video

B-25s land at Dayton's Air Force Museum  - Video

Air Force Fields

Hughes XF-11  Aircraft

Traveling Australia

A Letter from Sendai

Understanding Engineers