This is the Gen. Robert G. Ruegg copy of the 27th Reports. It has been furnished by the Robert G. Ruegg family so that everyone would have the opportunity to view this document. A special thank you is in order for Douglas Ruegg for providing the scans.

Gerry Kersey


This is the Gen. Robert G. Ruegg copy of the 27th Reports in a text format.  Douglas Ruegg spent a considerable amount of time in transcribing the original into a highly readable document. It is still in the editing process but available for viewing now. As it is edited and annotated, the newer version will replace this one. I wanted to also thank the Robert G. Ruegg Family for their help.

  Gerry Kersey



Interview with Robert G. Ruegg 1942.MP3


Edward N. Backus

Backus  -  Ruegg

Robert G. Ruegg



Summers - Galusha - Ruegg - McAfee

The 3rd Slug at Charters Towers


 Harry Roth

Davies  Lowery  Walker